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Tiramisù 直譯可解作「提起我」,所以我以此命名這件作品。希望人可以提起石塊,將訊息傳遞開去。


​放置石頭於我而言是即使仍在困難中,預先宣告勝利的行徑,正如聖經中約書亞記4:21-24。每當我放置石頭時, 都會為這些地方的人禱告祈求,像是一個城市代禱行。

​我把每塊石頭都紀錄在以下的社交平台上,或許它們大部份都已不在原處,我還是會斷斷續續的畫。  /

Tiramisù | Pay it forward

Stones 石頭


Tiramisù literally means “pick me up” so I use it as the project name, pick me up and pay it forward (pif).

This is a simple and quiet project I am doing for a few months on and off now. I drew simple pictures and messages at the front side of a stone and wrote a kind act to do at the back. This is not a new idea and many people have done it in the same format. I saw fear overwhelmed in many people’s hearts in the past few months. Fear spring forth from the pandemic and other local situations. So I put these stones at different corners in the city, trying to give an unexpected encouragement to people in their daily routine. The kind act at the back is a pay it forward idea. If they are encouraged by the stone, they could bless someone else or contemplate deeper with the further actions. 

The action of putting stones is also encouraged by Joshua 4:21-24, an action declaring victory when we are still suffering in it. I prayed for the area and the people there whenever I put the stone as well. To me, it’s also a process of prayer walk in the city. 

I documented all these stones and uploaded them to the pages below. Many of them were no more at their original place. I don’t know how the stones go or how people react with them, I just keep doing it from time to time. Now I am thinking of inviting people to join me drawing stones.  /

(Click to enlarge the photos. 按圖放大。)

Kwai-Yuen Cheng

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